Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheeple - Woodland Empire Ale Craft - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 20th, 2017  
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheeple


Northeast-Style IPA
6.20% ABV


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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheeple from Woodland Empire Ale Craft
4.2 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Hazy Shade of Winter
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Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheeple pours a completely cloudy, dark golden color. The thin white head dissipates quickly and leaves medium lacing on the side of the glass. The aroma is highly fruity and tropical with tons of pineapple, orange juice and guava. The flavor is a great balance between tropical fruit sweetness, grapefruit tartness, and hoppy bitterness. The copper malts are a throwback to IPAs of yesteryear, but the North-east juiciness is a modern day trend. It finishes dry leaving a drinkability of which few androids could dream.


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