DAAANG! IPA - Zipline Brewing Co - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 5th, 2017  


India Pale Ale (IPA)
7.60% ABV


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DAAANG! IPA from Zipline Brewing Co
4.1 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Pours a golden straw color with a very thick, white, frothy head. Hazy but not what we would call super hazy. Dank aroma with ripe tropical fruit and citrus throughout the nose. Taste is excellent. Juicy and hop forward with lots of fruit including mango, tangerine, melon, plus some resinous pine. Malts are light with this hop bomb. The mouthfeel is crisp and dry, really helping to highlight the hop flavors. Finishes ever so slightly bitter with hints of grapefruit pith, capping a smooth ending to a flavored-filled IPA.


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