Cup of Gold - Pure Project - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 8th, 2023  
Cup of Gold


Double/Imperial IPA
Hazy IPA
8.40% ABV


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This is a collaboration with Alvarado Street Brewery, brewed with Mosaic and Strata hops, and it pours a murky, orangish yellow color. Two fingers of white, foamy head with nice lacing. Hoppy aroma with both citrus and tropical fruit. That mostly carries into the taste, where we find nectarine and peach, mango and pineapple, and just a touch of orange and lemon citrus. Malts are soft, flaky oat and wheat, with a mild sweetness. Super smooth, creamy mouthfeel with a medium body. There’s a mild bitterness, perhaps some grapefruit, and more than you get with most hazy DIPAs. Overall, a superb representation of this style!


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