What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Cougar pours a very clear golden yellow with a thick, super coarse white head and fizzy bubbles all around the glass. The aroma is notable more for its lack of any discerning aroma than an actual smell. Malt, maybe? The mouthfeel is very light and smooth, with surprisingly lower carbonation than what pours out of the can. Luckily the taste doesn't follow lack of nose and it is marked by malt and corn with a slightly dry aftertaste which helps cut the semi sweetness of the starchy corn. It finishes with a slight caramel and bready yeast characteristic that's really enjoyable. This beer is pretty light but is packed with flavor enough that you could easily down a sixer.
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cantaloop Jul 11, 2017 at 4:26PM
That is a damn good photo that someone took. I love this beer from Rhinegeist.Leave a Comment: