Coquine - Ladyface Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 16th, 2018  


Belgian-style Tripel
Sour Beer
9.00% ABV


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Coquine from Ladyface Brewery
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Appearance is very clear, golden amber, with a finger of white, pillowy head that thins pretty quickly but leaves a nice lacing on the glass. Sour aroma of Brettanomyces and fruit. On the taste, there's a pleasant, funky tartness that is much less sour than we would have anticipated from the aroma. You can definitely taste the Brett though, along with lots of oak barrel flavors. Fruit flavors of apple, pear, and white grape plus a honey-like sweetness. Mouthfeel is dry and acidic. Light bodied but plenty of alcohol kick at 9%. This is a high quality, super tasty take on a sour, Brett-forward Belgian-style Tripel.


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