Christmas Pancakes - Hardywood Park Craft Brewery - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 25th, 2020  
Christmas Pancakes


Imperial Stout
Milk Stout
9.20% ABV - 55 IBU


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Christmas Pancakes from Hardywood Park Craft Brewery
1.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a dark brown color with ½ finger of dark tan colored, frothy head that vanishes fairly quickly. Aroma is slightly sweet and smells a bit like cola or root beer. The taste has a nice combination of malt, spice, and sweetness. Maple syrup, molasses, and honey are all there. It’s sweet, but it works with this beer. Plus a big kick of holiday spice on the back end. Mouthfeel is creamy and oily, with slick carbonation. The 9.2% ABV is pretty well masked, and body is on the lighter side for an imperial milk stout. Vanilla creaminess in the finish. This definitely has a pancakes and syrup flavor, and you can start drinking early today because it’s Christmas!


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