Chocolate Covered Pretzel Stout - WeldWerks Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 5th, 2021  
Chocolate Covered Pretzel Stout


Imperial Stout
6.30% ABV


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Chocolate Covered Pretzel Stout from WeldWerks Brewing Co.
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a dark root beer color with a thin, tan-colored head that disappears within a few minutes. Roasted malts, dark chocolate and molasses are heavy on the nose. The rich, creamy mouthfeel is immediately noticeable and coats the tongue delivering maximum flavor. And the chocolate and cream flavor is outstanding with realistic chocolate flavor, dark slightly-charred malts, and a half-and-half-like consistency. The aftertaste has a hint of Kahlua, with the 6.3% alcohol pairing with some coffee qualities and a hint of caramel. The pretzel is the least identifiable flavor in the title, but we'll let that slide. This is a real winner.


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