Bro-Kini - Latitude 33 Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 10th, 2024  


Northeast-Style IPA
6.60% ABV - 44 IBU


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Bro-Kini from Latitude 33 Brewing
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Bro-Kini pours a murky, golden yellow color. Head is two fingers thick, off-white, and frothy. Lots of lacing on the glass with an inviting aroma of hops, coconut, and vanilla. Taste matches the aroma, with loads of vanilla up front. Hoppy, tropical fruit flavors of pineapple and papaya, but also some dank, resinous pine. The malts seems to be oat and wheat focused, creating a soft, flaky texture. The toasted coconut flavors come through mostly on the back-end. Mouthfeel is creamy, with the vanilla creating a lactose-like feel. Unique flavor with all of the vanilla and coconut, but this is a pretty tasty summertime IPA.


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