Boulevard Brewing Chocolate Ale - Boulevard Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 27th, 2015  
Boulevard Brewing Chocolate Ale


Strange Brew
9.10% ABV - 24 IBU


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Boulevard Brewing Chocolate Ale from Boulevard Brewing Co.
4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Well balanced and delicious, this Chocolate Ale is special. The aroma is very fruity with a slight hop, but the taste is completely unexpected and pleasant. It's a coppery gold color which would lead you to believe there's no chocolate flavor to be had, but no no, my friends, there's a perfectly subtle yet satisfying chocolate finish awaiting your palate. The slightly caramel, slightly chocolate, perfectly divine almost indistinguishable malt makes this beer one you need to try.


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