Black is Beautiful (Topa Topa Brewing Co.) - Topa Topa Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 3rd, 2020  
Black is Beautiful (Topa Topa Brewing Co.)


Imperial Stout
10.00% ABV


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This version of Black is Beautiful is brewed by Topa Topa Brewing in Ventura, CA, hosted by Weathered Souls Brewing Company in San Antonio, TX. Color is very dark brown with two fingers of fluffy, dark khaki colored head. Malty aroma that smells somewhat sweet with lots of coffee notes. After a few sips, we see some nice lacing left on the glass. The taste is similar to the aroma, with dark bready notes, coffee, molasses, and brown sugar. It’s not too sweet though, and tastes more like robust cold brew coffee, plus some cigar and smoked meat flavors. Well balanced, with earthy hop flavors, medium carbonation, and a smooth mouthfeel. The 10% ABV will catch up with you, but Topa Topa put this in 12 oz cans so it’s manageable. We enjoyed this beer and its purpose – pick this up at your local brewery and show your support.


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