Black is Beautiful (Revision Brewing Co.) - Revision Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 14th, 2020  
Black is Beautiful (Revision Brewing Co.)


Imperial Stout
10.00% ABV


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Black is Beautiful (Revision Brewing Co.) from Revision Brewing Company
4.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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A collaboration beer hosted by Weathered Souls brewing in Texas and brewed to support justice and equality for People of Color, our version of Black is Beautiful was brewed by Revision. It pours black with a thick, frothy tan head that lingers. It laces thickly with viscosity. The aroma is soft, roasty malt and dark chocolate. Taste follows, with bittersweet chocolate, heavy roasted malt, slight smoke, and a toffee sweetness. It's balanced and somewhat crisp for such a high ABV; it's light on the tongue and not syrupy or thick, with good carbonation. This is a fantastic example of a good old American Imperial Stout, and an even better example of how in the beer community, we can support and lift each other up.


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