Bavarian Styled Doppel Weizen - Lagunitas Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  May 14th, 2017  
Bavarian Styled Doppel Weizen


8.70% ABV


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Bavarian Styled Doppel Weizen from Lagunitas Brewing Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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This one pours a hazy light apricot with a monstrous cream head and epic retention. The aroma is of banana, citrusy hops, wheat, grassy malt, and some ambiguous spice we think is clove or perhaps nutmeg; there's a lot going on! The taste is as complex as the aroma, following the nose with a lemony brightness and a grassy hop that's not bitter. It's a little overly honey sticky-sweet but the strong hop, wheat, and yeast balance it, although perhaps not quite enough. At 8.7% it packs a wallop, and the alcohol is noticeable and warms more and more.


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