Bakery: Coconut Macaroons - The Bruery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  May 15th, 2023  
Bakery: Coconut Macaroons


Imperial Stout
13.00% ABV


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Bakery: Coconut Macaroons from The Bruery
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Coconut Macaroons pours nearly black with a cocoa colored one finger head that disappears quickly. The aroma is dominated by bourbon and vanilla, with a hint of chocolate. The taste follows, with a bourbon forward booziness that shifts to vanilla and chocolate, maybe some caramel and so little coconut we didn't notice it. It's balanced with a bittersweet finish that's bold with a deep roasty malt. The carbonation is somewhat low, and the mouthfeel is medium yet thin. For 13.0% it's boozy up front but not overwhelming.


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