Wynona's Big Brown Ale - Voodoo Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Feb 17th, 2017  
Wynona's Big Brown Ale


Brown Ale
7.50% ABV - 31 IBU


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Wynona's Big Brown Ale from Voodoo Brewing Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Will You Beer My Valentine?
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Wynona's Big Brown Ale pours a chestnut color, quite clear for an unfiltered beer, with a medium cream-colored head. The malt-forward aroma is similar to a German marzen with a nutty caramel sweetness. On the sip, caramel and brown sugar flavors mix with a toasted bread maltiness. A light coffee bitterness in the aftertaste gives way to a coffee candy sweetness that kicks in very late in the aftertaste. This beer is packed with great flavor but avoids being overly sweet while maintains a lighter mouthfeel for 7.3% ABV. Whoever Wynona is, her Big Brown Ale is definitely worth seeking out.


youhadmeatdarkbeer's Photo
youhadmeatdarkbeer Feb 19, 2017 at 10:09AM
Voodoo'sWynona's Big Brown Ale is one of my favorites!

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