Winter Break - Burgeon Beer Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 23rd, 2022  
Winter Break


Hazy IPA
Christmas Ale
6.80% ABV


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Winter Break from Burgeon Beer Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is yellow straw, hazy, with one finger of white, foamy head. Bright aroma with lots of citrus and hoppy fruit notes. Taste is full of flavor, with a strong citrus profile, backed by some stone fruit and tropical fruit. Malts are soft and bready, heavily wheat and oat dominated. Body is fairly light for 6.8% abv, with a dry but smooth carbonation. While most of the country has dark, boozy beers, in San Diego you can still have a Hazy IPA as your winter ale!


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