West River Pale Ale - Miner Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 20th, 2019  
West River Pale Ale


American Pale Ale
5.60% ABV - 60 IBU


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West River Pale Ale from Miner Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a cloudy, orangish amber color with a foamy, off white head. Head is thin but leaves nice lacing on the glass. Tropical fruit in the aroma, seems West Coast in style except for the clarity. Taste is hop forward, with citrus and a bit of tropical fruit. A bit resinous too. Nice malts in the background to provide support and balance, but this is really nicely hopped from start to finish. Mouthfeel is clean and crisp, with a pleasant, ever so slightly bitter ending.


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