Web of Lies - Kros Strain Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 8th, 2021  
Web of Lies


Double/Imperial IPA
Hazy IPA
7.50% ABV


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Pours a soft golden yellow color that is pretty murky, with ½ finger of white, frothy head. The head lasts for a while, with a good amount of lacing. Aroma is juicy and dank, with blueberry, apple, and tropical fruit. We also get a touch of yeast that has a slightly funky note; unique for a Double IPA. Taste is very juicy, with super ripe tropical fruit and citrus. Slightly acidic bitterness, kind of like apple cider. Mouthfeel is creamy with a soft, delicate malt backbone with lots of oats and wheat. Those malts really provide solid balance. Bitterness accumulates in the finish, with tangerine and grapefruit. An interesting and tasty beer from Nebraska!


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