Vunderbar Pilsner - Smuttynose Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 8th, 2023  
Vunderbar Pilsner


4.90% ABV - 33 IBU


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Vunderbar Pilsner from Smuttynose Brewing Company
3.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Vunderbar Pilsner pours a light straw color with a medium frothy white head and an ever so slight haze. It has a corn-like aroma with some fructose sugar and a champagne-like quality from the carbonation. Luckily the flavor is considerably less sweet than the aroma with a barley malt taste. It is light bodied, but packs in a lot of flavored so it avoids coming off as watery. The mild Czech hops give it a little zing in the aftertaste that leaves a dry finish on the tongue.


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