Uber Affengeil - Claremont Craft Ales - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 20th, 2019  
Uber Affengeil


Hazy IPA
7.00% ABV


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Uber Affengeil from Claremont Craft Ales
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is between orange and pale amber and it’s hazy but not overly hazy or cloudy. Two fingers of white, soapy head that thins to a film. Aroma is juicy with tropical fruit, leading into a taste that is fruity and juicy. The German hops have lots of melon and tropical fruit hop flavors. But it’s maltier than most hazy IPAs and full bodied. Slightly sweet and slightly bitter. And if you were wondering, Über Affengeil translates to Super Monkey Cool! Prost!


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