Truck Trail - Alpine Beer Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 4th, 2022  
Truck Trail


American Pale Ale
5.50% ABV - 31 IBU


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Truck Trail from Alpine Beer Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Truck Trail pours a golden color that is magnificently clear and has a constant flow of ascending carbonation bubbles. Fizzy, white head that recedes fairly quickly to a thin film but leaves appropriate lacing on the glass. Aroma has some light malt coupled with pine and citrus hop notes. The taste, however, is more hop forward with citrus, berry, and pine flavors. Mild hop bitterness but probably more than you would expect for just 31 IBUs. Cracker-like backbone of pale malt with just a touch of sweetness. Medium body and a bit chewy and viscous for this style, which we like. Mouthfeel is crisp and smooth. Dry and grainy in the finish and overall nice flavor.


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