The Experiment - Batch #2 - Anchorage Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 30th, 2022  
The Experiment - Batch #2


Sour Beer
7.00% ABV


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The Experiment - Batch #2 from Anchorage Brewing Company
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Hoppy Danksgiving!
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Batch #2 of The Experiment, pours a beautiful reddish, dark purple color. Very thin, fizzy, effervescent head. Intense aroma with lots of oak, funk, and blueberry. Taste is not too tart or sour, as this is on the lighter side in that regard. Anchorage brews this with wild Alaskan blueberries, and those flavors are there, but the fruit is not overwhelming. Light bodied, crisp and sharp in the mouthfeel. Silky smooth in the finish. Some sour beers can be very acidic, but the barrel aging here has really smoothed things out with this one. For us, this has the ideal amount of sourness as this is a pleasant, enjoyable beer from start to finish.


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