Super Session #2 - Lawson's Finest Liquids - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 23rd, 2016  
Super Session #2


Session IPA
4.80% ABV


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Super Session #2 from Lawson's Finest Liquids
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Super Session #2 should find itself in the ranks of the top session IPAs around. On the pour, it's a hazy, golden orange color with a thin head but one that is long lasting with solid lacing. The aroma is fresh and dank with citrus and floral hoppiness. That continues into the taste with grapefruit and orange citrus, some pine, but all balanced with a slight cracker or bready malt flavor. Light bodied and super drinkable. Still very hop forward and accentuated by a dry mouthfeel and dry finish. Well done for the style and easily one of the most flavorful session IPAs we've found.


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