Super Funkadelic - Dionysus Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 1st, 2018  
Super Funkadelic


6.50% ABV - 5 IBU


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Super Funkadelic from Dionysus Brewing
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a very bold, cranberry or dark cherry color. Pretty clear but not transparent. There's some initial bubbles that fizzle down immediately, leaving no head whatsoever. Aroma is strong, with a pleasant combination of blueberries, oak, and sourness. Taste is tart and acidic up front, with the sea salt and gose aspects very pronounced. A bit of funk and yeast before the fruit takes over. The acidity mellows out and the fruit and sweetness really coming through on the back end. Especially as the beer warms, the flavors seem to transition from a crisp sourness to a smooth sweetness. There's cinnamon and vanilla in the finish, but those are pretty subtle. Light body with a refreshing finish. Complex and unique, this is one to grab if you can find it!


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