Sugaree Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie - High Water Brewing - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 8th, 2017  
Sugaree Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie


Strange Brew
9.80% ABV


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Sugaree Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie from High Water Brewing
2.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Sugaree Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie is a mouthful, both figuratively and literally. It pours a dark amber color that's fairly clear, with a thin, tan head. The aroma is pretty powerful; there's a lot going on with definite maple and pecan pie, brown sugar, and bourbon. The mouthfeel is medium but syrupy and almost sticky. It's very alcohol forward on the first sip, bitter and boozy but not too much Bourbon coming through. The taste follows the aroma pretty closely, very sweet and maple stickiness with toasted pecans. It rounds out with a bitter aftertaste that acts nicely to moderate the sweet. If you're looking for an all in one dessert and nightcap beer, this is it.


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