Strawberry Shortcake - Great Notion Brewing - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 4th, 2022  
Strawberry Shortcake


Fruit Tart
6.00% ABV


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Strawberry Shortcake from Great Notion Brewing
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Strawberry Shortcake pours a peach color, somewhere between orange and pink with a slim white head. Abundant carbonation traverses the slightly translucent liquid from bottom to top. The aroma does feature strawberry juice with other hints of cucumber and kiwi. The initial sip is quite tart, bordering on sour, but as the palate adjusts, future sips are not nearly as puckering. This "beer" is bursting with fruit flavor with the subtle malt base serving as the shortcake while abundant strawberry flavors take center stage. The sourness kicks in during the aftertaste serving to balance the sweetness, much like hop bitterness balances our other beer styles. This approximates real strawberry shortcake much less than their Blueberry Muffin fruit tart resembles a real blueberry muffin. But this is so flavorful and delicious, that really doesn't matter.


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