Stock Ale - Plan Bee Farm Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 3rd, 2019  
Stock Ale


American Wild Ale
8.70% ABV


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Podcast: Back to the Brews
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This Stock Ale pours a beautiful, orange copper color with no head to speak of. Translucent appearance with a unique farmhouse funk aroma. Taste is tart up front, with floral notes that lead to a light sweetness on the back end, including noticeable honey flavors. It's aged in bourbon barrels, and we pick up on the barrel, but not so much the bourbon. Low carbonation but still lots of complex flavors. There are even some champagne-like characteristics, and it seems at times like a blend between a sour ale and a barleywine. An interesting beer but one that would be better with a little bit of carbonation.


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