Stiltsville - Concrete Beach Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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5.20% ABV


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Stlaker's Photo
Stlaker Jul 8, 2015 at 10:38PM
How is it possible, that a beer that has been brewing for less than a year takes the name of a facilitie a legend community that has been in excistant for over 50 years has been recognized as Stiltsville Community, of original owners of the house that are still standing. YOUR Company couldn't be more original, because of those of us that have been raise and enjoy the area for years, and that is now own by key Biscayne National Park - ( State ) but that is after each houses become inhabitable. So why would you try to take copy wrights of something that has a history and it has not have to do with beer or alcohol. Name your beer something else it will more profitable to you and you still preserve the history of an old legacy ..... how about ????????

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