Source Series Apis - Carolina Bauernhaus - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 17th, 2024  
Source Series Apis


Golden Ale
7.80% ABV


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Source Series Apis from Carolina Bauernhaus
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Charge of the Light Beergade
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The Source Series Apis pours a golden straw color with lots of active carbonation bubbles. Thin head and an aroma like a sour ale, including some fruit, yeast, and funk. On the taste, we get a balance of flavors, starting with apple, white grape, and pear, plus some floral hops. There are sour notes, especially with the yeast flavors that are a bit funky, but the sourness is reserved compared to what we got in the aroma. The honey sweetens everything out, but it's not overly sweet by any means. Light bodied and the 7.8% is really hidden. A high quality ale that will not disappoint!


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