What did you think of it? Never Tried ItThe 2020 Oktoberfest pours a dark gold, nearly pale amber color. It’s crystal clear with a thin, half a finger of off-white head that disappears quickly. On the nose, we get a fair amount of both hops and malts, and it’s more aromatic than most of the German fest beers. Taste has proper balance with light caramel malt and herbal hops. We enjoy the hop bitterness on the back end that cuts any significant sweetness. And this has the signature malt profile that clearly defines it as a Sierra Nevada beer. In previous years, Sierra Nevada has partnered with different German breweries and it seems like they didn’t do that this year, perhaps because of limitations due to COVID. Nevertheless, it’s a solid Oktoberfest offering and one to pick up every year.
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RaisinDog64 Sep 23, 2020 at 6:49PM
An annual standard for me. Feels like fall. I revel in the flavor each drink. Thanks SN.Leave a Comment: