Side Hike - Kern River Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 24th, 2020  
Side Hike


Double/Imperial IPA
Red Ale
8.00% ABV


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Side Hike from Kern River Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a dark reddish amber color, with two fingers of light khaki colored, creamy head. Tons of lacing is left on the glass as the head recedes. Aroma of dark malt and earthy hops. On the taste, the malts are big, with dark bread flavors of rye and pumpernickel, and also chestnut and hazelnut. But the hops take over, with bits of floral and citrus, but more than anything else, earthy and piney hop flavors. Very balanced, with a medium to full body. Chewy mouthfeel with a good amount of carbonation. This has won a GABF Silver Medal two years in a row, and it is a beer that is perfect for the fall season.


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