Scottsdale Blonde - Huss Brewing Co - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 30th, 2019  
Scottsdale Blonde


4.70% ABV - 16 IBU


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Scottsdale Blonde from Huss Brewing Co
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Scottsdale Blonde pours a golden yellow color, very transparent, with two fingers of thick white head that dissipates down to a thin layer after a few minutes. A steady stream of small identical bubbles flow from bottom to top in even distribution. The aroma smells fresh, like a field of wheat, with almost imperceptible hint of lemon zest. The taste is incredibly well balanced, a cornbread-like malt base with a tangerine citrus fruitiness on top. It counterbalances with a little lemon sourness and a mild hop spice to temper the sweetness. The result is a beer that is both slightly sweet and dry, all the time remaining reserved in all aspects. This is an excellent American take on a style almost as old as beer itself.


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