Sasquatchito XPA - June Lake Brewing - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 28th, 2024  
Sasquatchito XPA


Session IPA
American Pale Ale
4.80% ABV - 60 IBU


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Sasquatchito XPA from June Lake Brewing
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Sasquatchito XPA pours a predominantly clear, golden straw color. Head is pure white and frothy, leaving lots of sticky lacing on the glass. Hoppy aroma of grassy and floral notes. Taste is hop forward with the same grassy and floral flavors, but also some light citrus. There's a slightly bitter grapefruit undertone that is well received. Malts are a combination of pale and pilsner, creating a bready, doughy backbone. Light bodied with a crisp, dry mouthfeel. Finishes with a pleasant, smooth bitterness. Exceptional flavor for an Xtra Pale Ale at only 4.8% ABV.


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