Fat Jack Double Pumpkin - Boston Beer Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 20th, 2015  
Fat Jack Double Pumpkin


Pumpkin Ale
8.50% ABV - 25 IBU


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Fat Jack Double Pumpkin from Boston Beer Company
3.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Some Pumpkins
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Fat Jack immediately hits you with an overwhelming pumpkin pie smell, as if the pie had just come out of the oven. It has a reddish-copper color with a small amount of light-colored head. On the flavor there is a dark caramel marzen malt base with a little bit of pumpkin flavor layered on top. In the next phase, the pumpkin pie spices kick in with some nutmeg, clove and coriander. In the aftertaste there is a little bit of candy sugar that beautifully masks the 8.5% alcohol. This is one of the best darker examples of a pumpkin style beer.


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