Saint Arnold 20th Anniversary Ale - Saint Arnold Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  May 4th, 2018  
Saint Arnold 20th Anniversary Ale


11.20% ABV


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Saint Arnold 20th Anniversary Ale from Saint Arnold Brewing Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Head South
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Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Texas's oldest craft brewery, Saint Arnold's Anniversary Ale is an english-style barleywine that epitomizes the style. It pours a dark copper color with a creamy head that presents itself only when the beer is poured or swirled and then dissipates. This is a very malt-forward beer with tons of caramel sweetness and a salt-water taffy flavor. This is balanced by an earthy barley quality and a present but severely understated 11.2% ABV. This beer has plenty of bold barleywine qualities and yet retains a measure of restraint and balance, a kind of wisdom that comes with age and experience.


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