Rahr & Sons Pumpkin - Rahr & Sons Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Oct 31st, 2023  
Rahr & Sons Pumpkin


Brown Ale
Pumpkin Ale
7.80% ABV


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Rahr & Sons Pumpkin from Rahr & Sons Brewing Company
4.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Pumpkin Show 2018
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Pumpkin from Rahr & Sons pours a medium to dark amber color. At least a finger of thick, off-white, foamy head. Aroma is fairly reserved, but there is a little pumpkin and a little spice. On the taste, this has many characteristics of an Amber ale or an Oktoberfest style Marzen. But there is a nice amount of pumpkin fruit and even more pumpkin spice flavors - cinnamon, clove, ginger, and nutmeg. There is a malty sweetness with hints of caramel malt and brown sugar. Plus a lot of hoppiness for this style, with earthy and grassy notes. Well balanced and full of flavor from start to finish.


cantaloop's Photo
cantaloop Oct 24, 2018 at 8:38PM
Your Comment
This beer was incredibly smooth and malty and just the right amount of spices. I didn't get any pumpkin flavors. if you could turn a really good gingerbread house into a beer this would be it. In my opinion it's more of a Christmas beer than a pumpkin fall beer.

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