Pina Agria - Odell Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 5th, 2018  
Pina Agria


Sour Beer
6.50% ABV - 7 IBU


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Pina Agria from Odell Brewing Company
3.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Pina Agria pours a clear but non-transparent deep gold color. One finger of white, frothy head that thins to nice film. Beautiful aroma of fruit and funky sourness. Taste is tart and acidic right off the bat. Fruit flavors of grapefruit, melon, and pineapple, but the pineapple is not as dominant as we would have guessed. Malts are cracker-like and slightly sweet, but like honey, not brown sugar. Medium body, above average carbonation, and a dry mouthfeel. The sourness accumulates on the back end, with a finish that will make your lips pucker.


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