Oak Aged Highland Ale - Innis and Gunn - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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Oak Aged Highland Ale


Strong Ale
7.40% ABV


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Oak Aged Highland Ale from Innis and Gunn
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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This Limited Edition oak aged highland ale pours a bright but opaque light copper color with very little head with what's there diminishing very quickly. The aroma is whiskey forward with a sweet caramel that's a really pleasant combination. Up front is the whisky, with slightly smoky and woody tones that's balanced out well by a sweet and malty caramel. It's big feeling on the mouthfeel with mild carbonation that lends itself well to the whisky bite and honey sweetness. This beer is smooth, strong and sweet. It's complex and enjoyable enough that it would probably be great aged as well.


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