Norman - Claremont Craft Ales - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 21st, 2024  


Cream Ale
4.60% ABV - 10 IBU


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Norman from Claremont Craft Ales
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Norman pours a pale straw color with a soft haze to it. Effervescent with a white, frothy head that thins quickly to a film. Aroma is mildly fruity and fresh smelling. The taste represents the style well. Refreshing yet still flavorful, with a slight sugary sweetness in the finish. Although the hops are light, there are grassy and citrusy hops, with lemon and lime most prevalent. Mouthfeel is smooth and dry with above average carbonation. Light bodied and very drinkable, this is the perfect beer to kick-off the afternoon!


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