Naja Imperial Red IPA - Copper Kettle Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 11th, 2020  
Naja Imperial Red IPA


Double/Imperial IPA
9.00% ABV - 110 IBU


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Naja Imperial Red IPA from Copper Kettle Brewing Company
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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The Naja Imperial Red IPA pours a dark reddish mahogany color. Head is thick, tan, foamy, and leaves a ton of sticky lacing on the glass. Aroma of sweet malt and resinous hops. Taste is bold and a bit boozy, but not in a bad way. Notes of tropical fruit, citrus, and grassy or herbal hops. Full bodied with a warming mouthfeel. And the beer has a peppery kick, but it's not as bitter as we had feared. The 110 IBU is real, but there's plenty of sweet caramel malt to balance things out. Not a starter IPA, this is one for the true hop heads.


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