Loud! Hazy DIPA - Almanac Beer Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  May 4th, 2023  
Loud! Hazy DIPA


Double/Imperial IPA
Hazy IPA
8.30% ABV


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For a beer with Hazy in the title, Loud Hazy isn't particularly hazy. We'll call it a mild haze. The aroma is incredibly tropical with tons of mango and peach notes. The flavor is bursting with fruit: guava, passion fruit, orange, and pineapple. The fruits compete for dominance and it's not apparent which one comes out on top. It's refreshing and light-bodied for the style. The 8.3 ABV is barely believable it is so well masked. It's been quite a roller coaster for Almanac IPAs over the years and this one certainly must be viewed as a steep ascent.


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