It's Complicated Being a Wizard - Burlington Beer Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 10th, 2021  
It's Complicated Being a Wizard


Double/Imperial IPA
8.00% ABV


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It's Complicated Being a Wizard from Burlington Beer Co.
3.6 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: New England Part 2: Vermont IPAs
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It's Complicated Being a Wizard pours a golden orange color with plenty of haziness. It has a foamy, off-white head with good lacing. Aroma is a bit boozy, and you can pick up on both the malt and the hops before your first sip. At first the taste is all malt, with some burnt caramel malt that transitions into a hop flavor that is piney, resinous, herbal, and earthy. Above average bitterness, and watch out because the alcohol seems to sneak up on you. This isn't a beer for beginners, but if you want a bold, Vermont IPA, this is worth a shot.


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