It Was His Birthday and They Didn't Even Care - Evil Twin Brewing - Beer of the Day.

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  May 1st, 2021  
It Was His Birthday and They Didn't Even Care


Strange Brew
7.00% ABV


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From our Strange Brew category, this "beer" pours a turquoise or emerald green color which is very beautiful, and unlike any beer we have ever seen. A small, foamy head ensues, which has a lime green hue. Smells like blueberry and raspberry, but also like sweet, cotton candy. The flavor is amazingly good, with candy flavors that are sweet and slightly tart, but not overly sugary. With some sips we get artificial candy flavors, and others have natural fruit flavors. It’s so hard to describe, but so enjoyable at the same time. The marshmallows in Lucky Charms might be a close comparison. Labeled as a Sour IPA, although this is not sour, and not like an IPA. It’s 7% ABV, but you can’t taste any alcohol. Not sure if this is really a beer at all, but it’s fantastic and we sure are glad we got to try it. Oh, and let's wish a big happy birthday to the Beer of the Day co-founder, Dallas!


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