What did you think of it? Never Tried ItIndian Brown Ale is a complex beer you won't regret trying. It's got a lot going on, but everything works in harmony to give you a super tasty beer. It pours your standard-issue chestnut brown color with a tinge of red. The large, coarse-bubbled cream-colored head that starts it off disappears quickly and leaves you with a super fine-bubbled, thin layer of cappuccino looking foam that stays for the whole glass. The aroma is of caramelized sugar, roasty malts, and a slight hint of hop. The taste follows the smell giving you the wonderful maltiness of a scotch ale, the toastiness and caramel flavors of a brown ale, and the hop of an IPA. Upfront is still the burned brown sugar taste followed by malty goodness. The dry hopping really shows itself in the aftertaste, lending a nice yet subtle hop to balance out the sweet of the caramel. The alcohol is masked well with the sugars. It's not overly sweet but the alcohol's definitely there, just hidden enough so that it can sneak up on you after a couple. All-in-all, you should pick this one up because it nails the three styles both separately, and combined.
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