Hop 2 It (Idaho Gem) - Russian River Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 23rd, 2020  
Hop 2 It (Idaho Gem)


Pale Ale
5.75% ABV


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Hop 2 It (Idaho Gem) from Russian River Brewing Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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The beer pours a semi-transparent, deep gold to pale amber color. Head is creamy and one finger thick, and never fades away. Aroma is fairly muted, but has some herbal and spice notes. The taste is malty at first, with dark bread and nutty flavors. Then the hops take over, with a unique profile, probably stemming from the Idaho Gem that is used as the solo hop. We get earthy flavors, along with stone fruit and berry. Medium body with a respectable bitterness that peaks in the finish. A solid Pale Ale and nice way to try the Idaho Gem hop.


beavwarius's Photo
beavwarius Dec 24, 2020 at 8:45PM
If you're a fan of a full hoppy beer, this is an excellent selection. Full bodied with a smooth aftertaste. Not too bitter. Another example of the skilled craftsman of this brewery.

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