Hammer 'n' Tongs Draught - J. Boag & Son Brewing - Beer of the Day.

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Hammer 'n' Tongs Draught


4.00% ABV


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Sirric's Photo
Sirric Jun 5, 2021 at 5:09AM
This is a good Beer. I first tasted this beer about 25yrs ago. This beer was originally in 375ml cans and I believed it was Australian owned and brewed in Queensland. It was the most sought after beer at my local, Woonona.2517, NSW. A couple of years after first tasting this beer, it went off the market for about six months. Went it came back on the market it was changed to 330ml size cans and was brewed in Vietnam. Is this correct. Can someone please tell the history of this beer as it is very good and friend of mine do not believe its history as I know it. Thank you Rick Whitefield. Woonona. NSW.

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