Gaffel Kolsch - Privatbrauerei Gaffel Becker & Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 27th, 2021  
Gaffel Kolsch


4.80% ABV


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Gaffel Kolsch from Privatbrauerei Gaffel Becker & Co.
4.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Gaffel Kolsch has a deep gold color and is extremely clear. One finger of white, pillowy head. Outsized aroma for a kolsch, with an inviting yeast and malt focus. The taste brings cracker-like malt and slight fruity flavors. There’s a mild sweetness, especially noticeable on the finish. But to balance that out, there’s a pleasant floral and earthy hop bite. Creamy smooth moutfeel that is refreshing and thirst quenching. Straight from Cologne, it’s hard to beat a traditional kolsch like this one.


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