Fort Point (Mosaic Dry Hopped) - Trillium Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 10th, 2021  
Fort Point (Mosaic Dry Hopped)


American Pale Ale
6.60% ABV


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Fort Point (Mosaic Dry Hopped) from Trillium Brewing Company
4.8 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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This is the Mosaic Dry Hopped version of Fort Point, and it pours a hazy, golden color with about one finger of white, frothy head. Super dank aroma, especially for this style. On the taste, we get bright and juicy flavors, with a balance between mango and papaya tropical fruit, and grapefruit and orange citrus. Malts have a biscuity flavor with hints of wheat. Medium body with a mouthfeel that is soft and dry. On the finish, we get some pine flavor that has a slight bitterness to really round things out. Overall this is a fantastic Pale Ale from Trillium.


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