Firestone Pale 31 - Firestone Walker Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  May 1st, 2024  
Firestone Pale 31


American Pale Ale
4.90% ABV - 38 IBU


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Firestone Pale 31 from Firestone Walker Brewing Company
3.2 out of 5 based on 4 ratings.
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With Firestone Pale 31, you can look high and low and you'll be hard pressed to find a more satisfying pale ale. Clear, golden color with a perfect head and tiny champagne like bubbles. With plenty of hoppiness, a range of subtle fruity flavors and a bit of a peppery finish, every sip is enjoyable. We use this as a barometer for other pale ales; with the nice balance between citrus flavored hops, sweet malts, and overall outstanding flavor profile and drinkability.


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