Firestone Oaktoberfest - Firestone Walker Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 26th, 2016  
Firestone Oaktoberfest


5.00% ABV - 24 IBU


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Firestone Oaktoberfest from Firestone Walker Brewing Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Oktoberfest 2016
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Oaktoberfest pours a crystal clear, slightly orange, light copper color with a couple fingers of white head. The aroma is reserved but malty with a touch of hop spice. It is very flavorful with bready malts and a reserved caramel sweetness throughout the entire sip. It finishes crisp and refreshing with a light mouthfeel. While many Oktoberfest beers produced in America are too sweet, this beer bucks the trend with a dryness that keeps you coming back for more.


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