Fat Head's Head Hunter - Fat Head's Brewery and Tap House - Beer of the Day.

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  Apr 7th, 2016  
Fat Head's Head Hunter


India Pale Ale (IPA)
7.50% ABV - 87 IBU


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Fat Head's Head Hunter from Fat Head's Brewery and Tap House
2.9 out of 5 based on 5 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Cincinnati 'Tis of Thee
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Head Hunter is a bold IPA with a big hop punch. It pours a dark straw or light amber color, pretty clear, with a thin foamy white head. The aroma is hoppy with a good mix of citrus and pine. On the initial sip, there is a slight melon-like sweetness in the beginning and then there is big wave of hops that lasts through to the bitter finish. This is a solid Double IPA but it definitely leaves you out on the bitter side. So if you are a fan of bitter hops, this definitely one to seek out.


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